Thursday, June 27, 2013

Five Minute Friday: In Between

Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo Baker and hundreds of others. We write for five minutes. All on the same prompt. No extreme editing. No worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

In Between: The Summer House


We just sold our house. We bought a fixer-upper and put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into making it a beautiful home. My husband did almost all of the work himself and I did gallons of painting.

 But now it belongs to someone else and we are renting for the summer while we decide what is next for our family. It was hard to give up my house that we had worked so hard on. It's hard to move out of a comfortable situation into the unknown. It's hard to let go of the familiar for something strange and different. 
That's where my faith in the all-knowing, all-powerful, almighty God of the universe can make my hard human heart melt into hope and peace and joy at what He will bring into our lives next.



  1. Oh, this tugged at my heart tonight. I can only imagine all of the effort you put into a house and home. We are in the midst of moving also and it is so reminiscent of an "in between" time- neither here nor there. Keep the faith and you will be blessed repeatedly.

  2. Stopping by from Five Minute Friday.

    Wow. To do all of that and then not stay. That is what scares me about the move my spouse and I plan to make later this year. I want the next place we live to be the last place we live.

    1. I feel the same way - couldn't we just move the house with us?? Oh well! I know the Lord will provide the next location and the next home in His perfect timing.

  3. I feel your pain. A few years ago, my husband and I were faced with the painful decision of selling the home we lived in and brought our babies home to, of 16 years. We had to sell to avoid foreclosure after a layoff. We now rent and are grateful for where God has us. But we still miss what could have been. Praying for you right now!

    1. We only lived in our home a few years. I can't imagine how hard it was moving after 16 years! Thank you for sharing and for your prayers!

  4. Oh yes, this is one of the most difficult in betweens - letting go of something you LOVE for the unknown. Wow! What an adventure. May the Lord richly bless you during this time and may your in between be full of fun and memories!

  5. I am so not a fan of the unknown... which is why I picked a happy in-between to talk about today! Saying a prayer as you transition and giving thanks that we trust the all-knowing One to meet us in the in-between!!

  6. How hard it must be not just to leave the house that holds your heart (along with the blood sweat and tears)but to not know what is next. I pray God gives you comfort during this hard in between time.

  7. I've been there before, leaving what you love to head to what you don't's hard, but for me, it was filled with GOOD. praying that for you, too.

  8. Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers! When it would be easy to feel scared and alone - I feel welcomed and lifted up by this amazing FMF community!
