Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Most Important Thing Happening

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Some rollercoaster ride that was! I've never read a book quite like "The Most Important Thing Happening" by Mark Steele. You know when you first get on a rollercoaster and you feel kind of queasy and scared, yet the thrill and excitement keeps you going!? That's exactly how I felt after reading the first chapter of this book.
Each chapter is so unique, it felt like I was just getting to know the characters and then we moved on to  a "new" story. Once the puzzle started to take shape in Chapter 6, I had several "aha" moments as I began to see how all the individual stories were actually related. The plot of this "several stories, one novel" book is so unusual, it would take another reading for me to really connect all the dots.
I was slightly disappointed at the end because like a rollercoaster, it seemed to come to an abrupt stop. Granted, all the missing pieces fell into place just perfectly. So I don't know if I was just sad that it was over, or I didn't really understand everything that happened or if the perfect ending just didn't really fit in with the rest of the book?!
Although there was nothing explicitly gospel-centered in this book, there were strong undertones about sin and it's deadly effects and how forgiveness can change a person.
If you're looking for a book outside your normal reading comfort zone and that will make you think about solidarity - this is it!
(P.S. My favorite story was Chapter 2)

*Thanks to the publisher, David C. Cook for sharing this book with me through Net Galley for my honest review.

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