2but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. - Psalm 1:1-2
It seems everyone has advice for me on every subject - how I should raise my kids, how I should decorate my house, what to buy, what not to buy...on and on...especially on Pinterest, as much as I love it, that site seems to be full of know-it-alls (wait, I'm on there, oh well).
Sometimes it's hard to separate the bad advice from the good (and other times it's really obvious). I want to make good decisions for myself and my family, but all the chatter...it's hard to know what to do.
Psalm 1 reminds me to delight in God's law and to think on it daily, but why? Because it is the best source for wisdom in my life. When I have God's standard of right and wrong constantly on my mind, being distracted by sinful choices is less of a temptation. When God's word is in my heart, knowing what's best for my family and home becomes more obvious. Joyfully embracing the truth makes it easier to share with people, neighbors and friends, who are drowning in a sea of bad choices.
Lord, please give me the desire to meditate on your word day and night so that I may be blessed to walk in your ways. Help me today to delight in your law, to know and understand the truth of your word that I will gladly share it with those trapped in the way of sinners.
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